What's Everyone Afraid Of?
Well people, they just insulted all of us especially our Police Detectives.
It’s about being smart enough to see through the lies and cover-up, which points the way straight to the guilty party.
We all form theories around crimes and try and figure out the why, who and how of them. The best among us, who pay close attention to detail, examine the story told at the crime seen, look to who would gain by the crime, watch the actions of the suspect, see who is trying to paint a different story than the crime scene indicates and we have the culprit!
It's the first step in our justice system; to find the criminals and determine how the crime was commmitted, (which we haven't yet done concerning the September 11 attacks), and the mainstream media attacks it?
The criminal always tries to steer the detective away from the trail.
In a widespread crime conspiracy we may more easily find the hired thugs first but we can’t stop investigating there. We have to trace all the way up to the masterminds.
Most of the people bought what was sold by the criminal, but our system requires that we hear from the prosecution as well and the prosecution has a mountain of evidence and a lot of unanswered questions to ask!
If you think you can be a good American, and participate in the process our forefathers gave us and we were raised to believe in, then continue on.
It has been nearly five years since the completion of the hijacking of
It was
Those of us who paid close attention began to see there was more than met the eye.
We never thought we needed to know who owned and controlled the media. We all assumed it was beyond reproach with the highest level of integrity.
Well, shame on all of us for not paying attention!
The ownership of the media is conglomerated into the hands of just a few giant corporations.
They think they have the power but they don't. WE DO and at the end of this article I will tell how we can defeat them without a single shot being fired.
The Rothschild Octopus, who owns the monetary system of the world, and therefore all of the countries, whose tentacles are the wealthy elite of America and Europe, reach into Wall Street, the military industrial complex and all of the world’s mainstream media, including the internet, is the sponsor of all of it.
I know some of you have begun to suspect and then search for the truth. It began to become obvious that our trusted mainstream media was not reporting the real news or the truth but instead was spinning a tall tale disguised as the truth and covering the crimes of the White House occupiers! That, by the way, makes them accomplices/partners in crime.
Don't just take it from me; consider the following statement from the inter-married American tentacle of the Rothschild family.
A quote from David Rockefeller's autobiography 'Memoirs' -
The one thing we all think we have is common sense and logic, but how many really do?
If you think you do then imagine this challenge:
Before you, on the left side of a table, is all the years of scientifically tested and proven facts including evidence of fossil remains all as absolute proof of fact.
On the right side of the table is THE BIBLE offering absolutely no proof what so ever in it's theories, just a lot of fantastic far fetched outrageous stories with a few agreeable moral tenants and several glaring mistakes, such as no mention of the dinosaurs and the earth being the center of the universe with the sun and the rest of the entire solar sytem revolving around it.
Now, choose the truth based on your common sense and logic!
The majority, who chose the Bible, just got angry because the majority prefers the lie to the truth. This is why criminals control us.
Case in point: I just received an E-Mail from a good friend that was titled the greatest psychological test ever. It contained a link to the test page. The page contained about ten questions like: What is your favorite color? What was your first pet’s name? Who are you attracted to? Etc...
After completing the test I clicked a button for the results and one by one the answers came back.
Well, I have to tell you I thought I was different than everyone else, but my initial response was anger! I thought it was mean spirited. I was waiting for a flattering, future telling, horoscope style, fairy tale response just like everyone else.
My anger to the test started me thinking. It took a minute and then I got it.
The lie is more palatable and easier to live with.
Who out there wants to think our own government would sponsor a terrorist attack and murder it's own people to start WWIII, strip our constitution, install a Fascist/Nazi style dictatorship, above all the laws of the American people?
No, the majority will shun this idea.
Well, I'm not sorry people, IT IS TRUE!
It's called Cognitive dissidence. Not wanting to believe that what previously suited you as the truth isn't true.
Fact: It has been in the works since the original plotters were exposed and stopped back in 1934. It was around that time that the American Nazi party adopted the Republican Party as the party that most closely lined up with their values. They would latter infiltrate the Democratic Party when they found that the majority did not go along with their way of thinking. Zell Miller is a good example of that! Our history books are filled with lies and propaganda. It was back in November of 1934 that a plot to murder FD Roosevelt and install a Fascist/Nazi style government was exposed.
It turns out the plotters were
Fact: Roosevelt, a Democrat and four term president, had no support from the congress and the senate and only 18% of the American people behind him in becoming involved in WWII so, in order to change that support he cut off the supply of American oil and steel to Japan knowing this would provoke an attack. Today, thanks to the freedom of information act, (which this Bush is trying to do away with), we know that
Fact: June 8, 1967
Fact: The 1976 miltary exercise using plastic handled box cutters while playing the role of Arab terrorist hijackers flying planes into the Twin towers is out in open by a 29 year department of defense military veteran, Timothy McNiven, who partisipated in the exercise, passed a lie detector test (comfirming his statements to be true), and was order back then to blow the whistle if it ever went live at any time in the future.
Fact: Operation North Woods: (read at: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/) the military industrial complex wanted this carried out by JFK’s administration. Coinsidentally after Jack and Bobby refused to carry this criminal plot out they were killed. The answer to part of the 911 plot is in these documents. Go to the recomended plans in the last pages and be prepared for the lights to go on. Our government is the bad guy!
What kind of goverment kills it's own people?
The employees have killed the boss and are running the business their way. Each one of these plots involved murdering thousands of American citizens. This is the most paranoid government yet! They are spying on the smart people who are on to them and the reason is because we are watching and spying on them. We know they aren't looking for terrorists becuase they are the terrorists. These people are criminals and need to be stopped!
Through out history, albeit fake history, the Zionist owned banking system, which owns our federal reserve bank and holds notes going all the way back to when Jackson, (the only President to pay off the national debt), had gotten rid of them, is behind all of it.
They have been loaning us money, since
Nearly all of our government officials are their boys and girls.
See the Discovery Channel special "Consriracy of Silence" that was suppressed by the government.
It goes a long way toward explaining how our so called elected officials are controlled through blackmail and bribery! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3395321338401208062&q=conspiracy+of+silence
They rig the elections and use their money and influence to put them in place to do their bidding. The little country of
Start examining their names and background as well as the organizations they belong to, whom they studied under and you will see why they don't work for the American people. Many of the criminal occupiers of our government, including one the most stupid people ever puppeted as president, swear an allegiance first to Satanic Cult Secret Societies such as Skull and Bones/ Bohemian Grove and the Bilderberg Group and second, if at all, to the offices they hold and this country.
Who do you think Jack Abramoff works for? http://www.wrmea.com/archives/July_Aug_2004/0407027.html
They play good cop bad cop. If public sentiment goes against one party they simply shift control to the other side to quiet the angry mob. The shift changes nothing since they are all the same players. Only a small handful of real Republicans and Democrats still exist but they accomplish nothing. The
Look at
They belong to and attend Bilderberge.
Democrats tend to let emotions and conscience get in the way. Republicans are much more cold-blooded. The last key players are placed in our supreme courts in every state including the main Supreme Court. They are not there to overturn Row vs. Wade, and will probably not do that since their Globalist bosses have intentions to depopulate the planet by 80%. There job is to throw out the law suites filed against the Bush Administration for ordering and orchestrating the September 11 attacks.
Funny the media has never mentioned those law suites isn’t it? I would call that bigger news then, that idiot, Chenney shooting someone.
“The constitution is just a God damn piece of paper” George W. Bush
These Ashkenazi Jews (who have no Jewish blood what so ever) considered that region their homeland and were quite happy there. So how would the Zionist get them to leave their homes and thriving businesses in the most beautiful parts of Europe to go fight and die in the desert of Palistine? Threaten them with certain imprisonment and death if they didn't go to the newly formed safe haven of Isael.
The concept of communism belongs to them so naturally the Nazi owned mainstream media painted communism as a major threat.
The Zionists, who broke away from mainstream Judaism and twisted it into what suited them, wanted all the Ashkenazi Jews to go fight with them to gain control of
No wonder they want to do away with PBS! Money talks and they control it all.
Again, it is the Zionist and the Nazi's at work. Together they formed the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) back in 1997 -1998. They plotted the invasions of
It turns out the Bush’s were invested in Awschwitz as well and now have a law suit filed against them by two Jewish survivors who were imprisoned and tortured there. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Project_for_the_New_American_Century
Our government leased Towers 1 and 2 of the
Larry Silverstein admits in a PBS special, (America Rebuilds), that they pulled tower 7 that day around
Forget the fact that it is scientifically impossible for planes hitting steel high-rise structures to cause them to collapse and let's not forget that tower 7 was never struck by any plane!
Forget that Bush and company tried to stop all investigations into the worst crimes ever committed on American soil and when public out-cry insisted, they hand- selected their own jury. (Look into the conflict of interest background of the 911 commissioners).
Forget that they covered-up, hid and destroyed evidence.
Forget that they placed gag orders on all military, federal and emergency personnel threatening them with loss of their jobs and imprisonment. No, that's the kind of action you take when your story is true and you have nothing to hide!
Forget the fact that molten steel was in the basements of Towers 1, 2 and 7, even two months after the event. With constant cooling from fire hoses it was still hot enough to melt aluminum. Ignited jet fuel, even at its highest temperature, (under maximum conditions), of 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, does not burn hot enough to fatigue steel let alone melt it. (Most of that fuel burned up on the initial impact outside of the buildings).
Forget that the fire fighters and police as well as many eye-witnesses stated bombs were going off in those buildings. Why where building 4, 5, and 6 all gutted by fire?
Isn't it interesting that they said fire caused the twin towers to collapse but buildings 4,5 and 6 were completely gutted by fire and building 4 had the top of tower 1 land on it's roof and none of those buildings collapsed? They were all brought down latter by planned demolition.
The other two locations of the staged attacks, (the Pentagon and the field Pennsylvania), are even more telling.
Forget, the fact that the engine laying in the streets of New York, (that they stated flew of one of the planes that struck the twin towers), which was photograpged and positivly identified as having come from a 737 plane, is more than enough proof that they lied and are still lying. Flights 175 and 11, they said were 767's!
How was it possible that our intelligence was so bad that we had no idea the attacks were coming but we knew who to blame with-in an hour of the attacks?
How was it that we had no idea someone could use planes as missiles when our government and the military along with NORAD were running FIVE exercises simultaneously that day simulating terrorist hijacking planes and flying them into buildings?
How was our intelligence to blame for 911 happening but they named 19 hijackers by the next day? Well it turned out 9 are still alive and 5 were trained
And wasn’t it great that FEMA was already set up a few blocks away the day before the event took place?
How did Bush see the first plane fly into the first tower on a television monitor in a class room in
Why aren’t all American’s asking these questions?
Fact: The Happy Hooligans with the 119th out of
I won't try and make the whole case today, although I could since I have been investigating this crime for five years now, because that would require writing several volumes. I will instead leave it to you to research for yourself. There is a virtual mountain of evidence that contradicts their official story. A real trial would take years. Do an honest investigation and get back to me with any unanswered questions. If you can’t figure out how they pulled it off or why they all seem to be going along with it, I have answers to all of it.
Still think the United States government is a positive force doing good everywhere in the world?
Watch this video: http://www.bushflash.com/pl_lo.html
Read my other blog for more insite, details and links.
This crime traces back to the same group who though-out history have started every war for the monetary gains of the companies run by their minions. I am talking about the Money Changers who own and control the world’s private banks and in essence own everything from the top down. How they reach you with their lies is also their Achilles heal. With the internet, television, newspapers, magazines, music and movies they pull in hundreds of billions of your dollars. So hear is the question you need to answer: Can you live without these things?
I'm talking about pulling the plug on them. Just imagine millions of us canceling cable TV, the internet and dropping our subscriptions to their magazines and news papers for even one quarter. The loss to these companies would be staggering. Their stocks will plummet, their advertisers will drop them and the entire system will completely fall apart. Make one more sacrifice and we can reclaim control of our government and our monetary system as well. Don't purchase anything you don't absolutely have to have. Have friends over for parties listen to music play cards work on hobbies get reacquainted with your fellow human beings.
Every night I flip through the channels complaining that there is nothing to watch. Oh, we all have a few shows we like but will you sacrifice or trade for another past-time to save your country from a tyrannical dictatorship?
They will censor the internet and restrict content and speaking out against the government will land you in prison.
Rumsfeld has called for it to be done immediately!
When they do, PULL THE PLUG! Don't let them reach you and don't give them your money. Don't go shopping like Bush told you to do. It’s called going on strike. Union workers have done it through-out history.
I will leave you with this:
If you are with the Bush administration then you are with the real terrorist!
Why are Americans such cowards? Don’t you all love your country enough to stand up to these thugs? There are millions of us and only a handful of them!
Silence, when you have a voice that will be listened to, makes you a coward. Knowing and doing nothing makes you a coward. Knowing and being for what they are doing makes you a traitor! Taking their money and continuing to sell their story makes you a coward and a traitor.
Bill Maher and Jon Stuart Leibowitz, although you provide the frustrated left with a place to vent, you continue to lead people away from the truth and therefore are traitors and enemies of the United States.
It seems that if your even half Jew, as in the case of Maher, your allegiance is to
Penn and Teller are Zionist propaganda ministers.
It seems the Jews learned a long time ago that they benefit if they go along with and help cover up the crimes of their leadership.
Remember people, these occupiers of the government are not your legitimately elected officials. They are criminals and traitors and should be treated as such! I know there are millions of descent Jewish/American people out there. It is time for you to stand up and join Barbara Streisand say NO MORE!
For all Americans, regardless of ethnic background, choose
www.rense.com / www.reopen911.com / www.loosechange911.com / www.911inplanesite.com / www.waronfreedom.org / www.prisonplanet.tv / www.hugequestions.com / www.911truthla.us / www.infowars.com / http://judicial-inc.biz/Dov_zakheim.htm / www.erichufschmid.net / http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/ / www.rbnlive.com / http://www.themoneymasters.com / www.tedgunderson.com / www.americanfreepress.net / http://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rothschild.htm / www.haarp.net /
Must hear intervues:
http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/270605truthexpose.htm /
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http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/200605griffin.htm / http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/111104deagle1.htm / http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/041104harris.htm /
http://www.prisonplanet.com/harris_09_02_03.html /
http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/100604hilton.htm / http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/092704buchanan.htm / http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/092704hilton.htm / http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/091204hilton.htm / http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/091204skullandbones.htm /
http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/070204meacher.htm / http://www.prisonplanet.com/020804vonbuelow.html / http://www.prisonplanet.com/120403mariani.html / http://www.prisonplanet.com/112003mcclellan.html / Bombshell! Kennedy Assassination
http://www.prisonplanet.com/watson_10_22_03.html / Princess Dianna' Murder
http://www.prisonplanet.com/013104rensewtc7.html / http://www.prisonplanet.com/111203lossofliberty.html /
http://www.infowars.com/transcripts/degranpres.htm /