The Mainstream Propaganda Media Machine
NEW CRITICAL UPDATE: 02/26/07 - The BBC, and CIA owned Google scrambled today to remove incriminating video evidence from their vaults while information was being exposed by a male caller, from Toronto Canada, on the Alex Jones radio show, pertaining to the BBC reporting the collapse of WTC building 7 nearly a half hour in advance of the actual collapse.
This is absolute proof of scripted prior knowledge, of the September 11, 2001 attacks, by the Mainstream Media. It should be assumed that You-Tube, which is owned by Google, will purge the video as well. The second link is You-Tube. See it while you can. The Solomon Brothers Building is building 7 of the WTC. You can clearly see the building standing at the right of the reporters head.
UPDATE: 02/27/07 Google video of the BBC report has been restored by the people. Go to; type building 7 BBC to find videos.
Update: 03/01/07 The BBC and Google prove there complicity in the crimes of 9/11 and the subsequent illegal wars as they work together to destroy incriminating evidence of prior knowledge to the most heinous crimes committed against the people of the world.
Once again, (CIA funded) Google who also now owns that this blog is posted on, have removed the footage from their archives in spite of the fact that the BBC news clip is under 30 seconds which constitutes fair use!
Where are the FBI and the police?
Why aren't they bringing people in for questioning?
Contact the FBI and report this evidence:
These idiots make my statements more valid daily!
See it for yourself:
Live on the scene ; the BBC reports that WTC building 7 fell nearly a half hour before it was pulled in a planned demolition. The reporter stands reading from a script not realizing that the building is standing in the background the whole time. More MSM advanced knowledge.
Check out George Washington blog: Policy on storage of News footage: The following components to be retained:-
· Two broadcast standard copies of all transmitted/published TV, Radio and BBCi output – one to be stored on a separate site as a master
· One browse-quality version for research purposes, to protect the broadcast material
· All supporting metadata to enable research and re-use
· A selection of original (i.e. unedited) material for re-use/re-versioning purposes
· Hardware/software/equipment to enable replay/transfer of the media
BBC tries to explain it away:
A personal Email sent to me from BBC:
Hello and thank you for your email in reaction to claims made in an article published online.
The notion that the BBC has been part of any conspiracy is patently ludicrous. We reported the situation as accurately as we could, based on the best information available. We cannot be categorical about the exact timing of events that day - this is the first time it has been brought to our attention and it was more than five years ago. If in the chaos and confusion of that day our correspondent reported that the building had collapsed before it had done so, it would have been a genuine error.
With regards
BBC World Customer Relations
My response:
It is obvious you made an error so how did it happen?
What are the odds of anyone announcing an event 25 minutes in advance of the event and having that announcement turn out to be the exact cover story told latter?
Is the BBC Clairvoyant? (The world could use your special skill to foil all the crimes before they can take place)!
Do you guys have the technology for time travel?
Was it some kind of magic trick?
Any of these would be a better explanation than; we made a "genuine error"!
Don't you find it phenomenal enough, (that your reporters have a special skill that allows them to predict the future with confidence), to make you want to investigate the real evidence?
Isn't that what News people are supposed to do?
If you really are not part of a conspiracy then; clear your mind of personal bias and go ask some real questions.
The BBC has been consistently inaccurate and biased in your reporting of all the events taking place.
Your bias and cover-up of the truth, with no serious examination of the evidence, is astounding.
And now you expect me or anyone else to believe that your reporters reported in error about the collapse of WTC7?
Keep in mind that your man in the studio reported the collapse first, (a good five minutes in advance of your live on the scene reporter), then passed it over to your girl live on the scene.
They could only have made that statement if it was fed to them.
So why, do you suppose she wasn't concerned enough to just turn around and look like CNN'S Aaron Brown did?
Even after she did finally turn around and look, at the building standing right in front of her, she continues to pitch the story.
Again, I ask you; what are the odd of misspeaking and announcing an event that would happen 25 minutes latter?
If she had said building 4, 5, or 6 had collapsed, we might be able to buy "genuine error" as an excuse.
You yourself may be naive about how the system you work in functions and so feel you, personally, aren't part of the conspiracy, but ignorance is no excuse!
The talking head reports what he/she is told from there editor, the editor's manager tells him/her what there are allowed to report on and the corporate owners and controllers instruct Mr. CEO how the story will be spun and slanted.
There is no denying that your reporters along with Aaron Brown at CNN both made the same mistake which they read from the teleprompter.
Aaron Brown back tracked his way out of the statement after he had the sense to turn around and see that the building was still standing.
In your defense, you just deny and act as if your reporters just accidentally reported an event 25 minutes prematurely.
You are once again, guilty of conspiracy and cover-up.
Why don't you look into who fed the story on 9/11 and trace it to the top and become a real investigative journalist.
Once you find out turn them in and report on it.
Stop living in denial! You can't really agree with this tyranny that is being imposed on us all based on stacks of lies the mainstream media are all reporting.
If you continue to spin their lies you, my friend, are part of a huge criminal conspiracy and will be held accountable when it all unravels and it is unraveling fast.
I will continue to tell my readers the truth.
Bill Schultz
CNN Video: Aaron Brown blunders out the same statement at 3:10pm.
I no longer need to prove my case against the Mainstream Media ownership; the BBC and CNN have done it for me, but read on any way.
To the Main Stream Media Traitors,
It is hilarious to watch and read while the desperate Main Stream Media (MSM) machine flushes its last ounce of credibility down the toilet. Five years later you’re still trying to sell, to the last 20% or less of uninformed and stupid Americans, the myth of 911.
It is obvious from the MSM’s continued sale of the ridiculous conspiracy theory, sold by the Bush Administration, that the MSM is under the strict control of its’ Zionist owners!
At the Bilderberg Conference, in
"We are grateful to the
Richard Nixon, as you know, liked to record all of his conversations.
GRAHAM: "The Jewish stranglehold on the media has got to be broken or this country's going down the drain".
NIXON: "You believe that?"
GRAHAM: "Yes, sir."
NIXON: "Oh boy. So do I. I can't ever say that but I do believe it"
"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." -- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." The Project for a New American Century - 80% Zionist 20% Neocon followers
"By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War," The Israeli Mossad Motto.
1849: Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state,
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."
"Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them."
Back to 1815, this is the year Nathan Mayer Rothschild makes his famous statement,
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of
"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]
What else is the Zionist Terrorist organization up to?
This is a must read:
But wait! What's this? Fox News actually did, then pulled, a 4 part series alerting us to all of this? Oh Yeh! Fox News Series – Israel Spying in and on the Fox News Series – Israel Spying in and on the Fox News Series – Israel Spying in and on the
Find out why you believe what you believe.
Christopher Jon Bjerknes has just finished writing the world's most detailed investigation into Einstein's role in Zionism, along with a history of Zionism.
He offers his book for free as PDF files. This is a valuable addition to your library.
Click here for the PDF files:
He discusses Henry Ford's role in trying to stop Zionism; the Zionist trick of starting fights between people; the attempt by the Rothschilds to become "King of the Jews"; the history of the Protocols of Zion; and lots more.
“If after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of “scandals” and “investigations” and “impeachments” for the removal of the disobedient. Usually a man with a “past” proves the most obedient instrument, but even a good man can be tangled up in campaign practices that compromise him. It has been commonly know that Jewish manipulation of American election campaigns have been so skillfully handled, that no matter which candidate was elected, there was already made a sufficient amount of evidence to discredit him in case his Jewish masters needed to discredit him”. Henry Ford
Benjamin Freedman Speech:
I accuse the Following groups of people of the high crime of treason against the people of the united states government; listed in order of control:
The private owners of the Federal Reserve US Central Bank
All current and past leaders of the country of Israel to answer for crimes against the citizens of the United states of America.
The primary shareholders in the Mainstream Media Corporations all inclusive; including CEO's, Editors, TV personalities and Reporters.
The primary Owners and Managers of all major corporations involved in befitting from the crimes of this Zionist organized crime group.
The Project for a New American Century; PNAC all members inclusive.
The Council on Foreign Relations; CFR all members inclusive.
Bush and his entire cabinet and all appointed heads of all federal branches of under Homeland .Security including Homeland Security.
The Israel first Congress; House and Senate.
All of the above are involved in allowing the "owners of Israel" to hijack America for their New World Order agenda.
MSM’s tactics are always to direct childish name calling and insults at the messenger instead of conducting civilized adult debate.
Non of the counter-evidence is shown or examined.
It is a cover-up pure and simply.
The Mainstream Media's cover-up of the crimes of 9/11 and subsequent wars, is evidence of complicity and involvement of the crimes terrorism, ( by of deceiving the American people), and subversion the Constitution of the United States of American for illegal and criminal purposes.
No well educated or informed expert is ever allowed in the debate of 911.
Very cowardly!
AJ (Hammer) Goldberg, on CNN's Showbiz Tonight, dropped the ball in Alex Jones’s lap when he asked; why do you think the MSM is avoiding real discussion concerning the 911 issues?
Alex Jones, probably not wanting to immediately close the door that seemed was finally opening, side stepped the question.
Alex Jones does, however, belong to a Christian / Zionist Group and never mentions the obvious Zionist involvement in 911. So the fact that the Worlds' Mainstream Media is Zionist owned and run would never be mentioned by Alex Jones. I guess he's a little conflicted since all roads lead back to
Today's, so called, journalists couldn't last five minutes in a public debate with any well informed ordinary citizen.
I challenge any and all in the MSM to refer your viewers / readers to the documentaries; Painful Deceptions by Eric Hufschmid and Loose Change by Dillon Avery! Or, better yet, why not show them on prime time?
Let the People decide for themselves.
What is the MSM afraid of?
Our justice system requires hearing from the prosecution as well and that has not taken place concerning 911.
In the case of 911, what has taken place so far is tantamount to the criminals being allowed to conduct the investigation, destroy the evidence against them and find themselves not guilty of any crimes without a trial or any opposition to their story and right new laws to sheild themselves from proscecution.
Here are just a few of the facts the government as well as their partners in crime the MSM neglected to discuss.
The following isn’t all of the evidence, pointing to government and others involvement in the attacks of
Below are facts mixed with some comments based on common sense and logic.
All of this information comes from multiple sources and is ocasionally mixed with my common sense and logical observations.
FACT: Flight 93 was blown out of the sky by a group calling themselves the Happy Hooligans with the 119th airborne division from
They received the order from their commander and immediately dropped what they were doing and ran for their F16’s. Once in the Air, they reached their target in 20 minutes and used two side-winder missiles to blow flight 93 out of the sky. They were decorated in a public ceremony about one year later, for this action, with many in attendance.
The following statement comes directly from Col. De Grande-pre during a 2003 interview on the Alex Jones radio show.
“Okay, quick rundown. They were out of Hector Field,
Apparently their commander either wasn’t aware of the stand-down order from Chenney or ignored it and did what he was trained to do.
“..but you see the Adj. General of the State of North Dakota gave the command to take it out. And, by God, they took it out”. Col. Donn de Grande-pre.
Additional excerpts from the Alex Jones interview.
AJ: “Colonel, how did you get in touch with the pilot who shot the plane down”?
DGP: “It turned out to be an old friend of mine from the Air National Guard and this is my home state of
The wreckage from the plane was found scattered from five to nine miles away and ten eyewitnesses testimonies correspond exactly!
Let us not forget that Rumsfelfd did slip up in a speech to the troops and say; “…the people, who attacked the
Hear it for yourself!
Rumsfeld knows flight 93 was shot down!
Ignored Eyewittness Reports:
So much for the made for television movies and infotainment reports and Universal's ficticious United 93 about the let’s roll 911 heroes of flight 93.
This information and much more, is outlined in books 1, 2, and 3 of a series called Barbarians at the Gate by Col. Donn de Grande-pre.
Write to: Grande-pre Publishing 1124
Discrediting the source of this information will be difficult. The
Listen to the Alex Jones interview with Col. Donn de Grande-pre here:
FACT: Tower 7 of the
The electrical sub-station beneath Tower 7 did not blow up, as some MSM propaganda ministers have claimed. It remained intact and in operation according to the FEMA report. After months of investigation, FEMA’s explanation for the tower’s collapse was; we don’t know why building 7 came down. The 911 Omission Commission left it out of the report completely as did NIST! The 47 stories imploded in 6.5 seconds!
Lease owner Larry Silverstein stated, in the PBS special America Rebuilds that the NYFD decided to pull the building. (Pull is a term used by demolition crews).
"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." Larry Silverstein
It takes weeks to months of planning to rig a 47 story skyscraper for demolition.
And, how lucky was it for big business that the Securities and Exchange Commission was housed in building 7? They had evidence compiled for criminal cases going back 20 years against top Wall Street companies and Banks like Chase Manhattan / JP Morgan, Citi Bank / Visa, General Electric, Philips, Philip Morris and Sony, to name just a few, for drug money laundering as well as the ERON case.
In July of 2001, the United States government, despite the fact that the Twin Towers belonged to the American tax payers, leased the WTC which included towers 1, 2 and 7 to Larry Silverstein and his partner Frank Lowey, for 99 years.
Their lease had a clause that allowed them to demolish the WTC and rebuild to increase the retail and rental space by a third. When they looked into that possibility, they found that due to the hazardous waste removal laws, (asbestos coating fireproofing all the steel) it would cost them billions to do this.
Update: Emergency workers come forward exposing planned deomlition of building 7.
How convenient for them that 911 happened.
Silverstein and Lowey, (who is a former Israeli commando), are both dual citizen Israeli Zionists. I mention this only to continually draw the Israeli Zionist mafia connection to September 11, 2001 and point out the influence in the government by the lobbyist of this terrorist organization.
Who do you think Jack Abramoff works for?
Larry made billions in profits from the insurance companies due to the destruction of the WTC buildings.
Larry also purchased a 99 year lease on Chicago’s’ Sears Tower and isn’t it curious, that reports claimed, an attempt to bring that building down was thwarted.
FACT: The initial damage to the pentagon was a 16 foot hole that penetrated 9 feet of steel reinforced concrete. The outer facing and windows surrounding that hole were undamaged where the wings, engines and tail section would have struck and damaged the building’s facing and shattered the windows, yet, no wreckage was found on the lawn from a 757. Now that’s a miracle!
Physics demands that the wings and tail section would surely have broken off and flown back onto the lawn.
Try driving your car, at top speed, into a thick, steel reinforced concrete wall and see if it doesn’t crush.
You’re not going to do that because physics has already proven that will happen.
An airplane, which is basically a hollow tube made up of mostly carbon and aluminum, to keep the plane as light as possible, although it would have damaged the face of the building, would have been crushed like an aluminum can leaving tons of debris on the lawn!
A Cruise Missile can penetrate 9 feet of steel reinforced concrete, as can a Global Hawk armed with missiles.
Read the account of a civilian eye-wittness who participated in the clean-up at the pentagon:
Strangely, the missile defense system, located in the center of the pentagon, which would normally take out any approaching plane with the wrong transponder signal, was conveniently turned off that day.
The FBI confiscated the video evidence of what did hit the pentagon, from the nearby Citgo gas station and the Sheraton Hotel whose cameras where trained in the direction of the pentagon, and will not let anyone see that footage. The Pentagon had a minimum of 12 cameras trained on the event but claimed no footage.
Interestingly enough, after an accusation was made that a truck bomb caused the damage, they suddenly managed to produce 5 frames of a video from their cameras in the parking lot. The photos answered nothing since they showed no 757 heading toward the Pentagon. They did, however, reveal more deception on the part of the government since the date and time, in the lower left corner of the photos, did not correspond to the official story.
The date on the pentagon photos was September 12, 2001, a day to late. The time was also incorrect showing military time 17:37:19 or 5:37 pm. Somehow that one got by the MSM as well.
Did they cover the original date and time because they didn’t correspond with the official timeline?
There is a visible vapor trail but, jet engines only produce vapor trails at very high elevations.
A missile however does leave an exhaust trail at any elevation. These photos indicate a missile struck the Pentagon.
They claimed the plane skidded across the lawn before impact but, the video and photo evidence clearly show no such skid marks on the Pentagon lawn.
They claimed the plane vaporized from the intense heat of the fire.
So let get this straight; Nearly 60 tons of steal, aluminum, seats and luggage burned up from the intense heat yet parts of the fragile bodies of the passengers did not, leaving behind DNA evidence to identify them.
Apparently human beings are tougher than steel!
To quote 911 commissioners Jamie Gorelic while questioning Rumsfelf during the 911 hearings; “So my question is; in this summer of threat…what did you do to protect, let’s just say the Pentagon, from attack? Where were our aircraft, when they… when uh, uh a, a missile is heading toward the pentagon”?
She could have and should have said anything else like, an airplane, a plane or flight 77 but she stumbled and stuttered out that exact statement using the word missile.
I guess she just panicked and misspoke too. YEH RIGHT!
Gorelic knows too.
FACT: No plane has ever crashed, before or after September 11, 2001, that has vaporized into thin air. Yet, that was what was sold and bought by the ignorant and stupid of America, (the remaining 20% or less still living in denial). Fox News watchers?
FACT: No steel high-rise building before or after September 11, 2001 has ever collapsed due to fire.
Jet fuel, in essence kerosene, which burns at its’ hottest temperature of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit cannot fatigue steel to cause a collapse.
From the MSM’s video of the event we can see that the majority of the jet fuel burned up outside of the building, in a giant fireball, after impact.
For a collapse to take place, all of the steel in the entire building would have to be heated uniformly to at least 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. Since the heat would disburse throughout the entire length of all the steel beams, this would take long period of time.
(You've all forgotten and left a spoon in a hot pan on the stove. The next time you grab it, to stir, you burn your hand. This is the same scientific principle, only on a much larger scale).
Even then it would not come down in free-fall speed. The only thing that can make that happen is carefully placed explosives. All of the steel in the World Trade Center buildings was coated with asbestos as a fire retardant. Some are claiming that the impact from the planes knocked off the asbestos coating allowing the fire to fatigue the steel. They expect us to believe all of the asbestos on all of the steel in it’s entirety in two110 story and one 47 story building, (which wasn’t struck by a plane), was knocked off by the impact of two jet liners! All of the tons of concrete, computers, fax machines, telephones and office furniture in Towers 1, 2, and 7 were pulverized into fine dust and left a thick coating that traveled as far as New Jersey.
Note the molten steel that ran down the inside and outside of the perfectly angle cut WTC box column. This angle cut is to insure that the column does not simply settle straight down on itself. The angle cut insures that the column will slip and collapse. And, for those of you who may have been told that workers cut that column with torches after the collapse, cutting torches do not melt the steel as they cut, it is simply burned off and vaporized. This photo shows proof positive that thermate, which is thermite combined with sulfer was used to collapse tower 1,2 and 7.
Scrapings, (from some of the steel from the trade center that wasn't shipped of to be melted down in Asia), were analyzed by BYU physics professor Steven E. Jones, (along with fellow scientists), proved conclusively that thermate was used.
Listen to the Steven E. Jones intervue here:
Right before the collapses, the MSM’s video clearly shows a large cloud of smoke and dust rising from the streets at the base of the Towers. This corresponds exactly to the eyewitness accounts of bombs going off in the lower levels.
Check out this video filmed by ordinary citizen Rick Siegel:
Right before to colapse of tower 1 there is clear audio of NINE consecutive bomb blasts. Then there was the bomb that went off in the sub levels moment before the plane struck the tower for a minimum of TEN large blasts.
The Twin Towers were built to withstand hurricane force winds and several penetrations from jet liners.
The following statement from Frank A. De Martini, WTC Construction and Project manager explains the strength of the Towers.
“The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door. This intense grid and the jet-plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting”.
Bombs did go off in the sub levels of the towers which blew off the lobby elevator doors and left a powdery residue all over the lobby. The MSM has footage of this! Many Firefighters, policemen and eyewitnesses said bombs were going off in the buildings as reported by all the MSM initially.
CNN and MSNBC recorded long interviews with William Rodriguez, the 20 year maintenance engineer of Tower 1 of the WTC and last man to be pulled from the rubble alive. William Rodriguez was in charge of both stairwells of Tower 1 and was in his office in sublevel one below the main level when a bomb when off in the sub level below him.
Watch William Rodriguez tell his story here:
CNN and MSNBC never aired his damning testimony.
This is proof of the MSM cover-up of 911.
William Rodriguez joins Ellen Mariani in Phil Berge’s RICO law suit against the government for 911.
Hear William Rodriguez radio interview here:
Molten steel was found in the basements of Towers 1, 2 and 7 two months after the collapses. Even with constant cooling from fire hoses, since the demolitions, it was still hot enough to melt aluminum. It takes temperatures of 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit to melt steel. That’s 1200 degrees Fahrenheit hotter that the highest temperature jet fuel can reach.
Thermate and Thermite reaches these temperatures!
Fire fighters climbed the stair-wells of both towers to the impact holes and radioed back that the fires were small and suffocating and could be knocked down with a couple of hoses. Those conversation were recorded and are in the documentary Loose Change.
If the heat from fire was so intense that it caused the buildings to collapse in 10 seconds or less, then how was the long haired blonde women, who was photographed with her hand on the bent steel where the plane crashed through, able to walk from offices in the back of the tower, that weren’t impacted by the fire, and stand looking down at the ground through the hole?
And, how was the fat bellied man with his shirt off two floors above her, who was photographed looking out of a broken window, able to withstand the heat? The black smoke indicated the fires were suffocating from lack of oxygen and were burning themselves out, just as the firemen’s radio messages back to the men on the ground stated.
Many people have gas stoves and fire places, that have metal burners and grills and have intense blue and white hot heat on for long periods of time but they do not collapse from fire do they?
The flames in the Twin Towers were red and yellow not nearly as hot and certainly not hot enough to melt thick steel.
If it were possible for the towers to have collapsed because of the upper floors caving in simultaneously the laws of physic would still apply. Each floor would have absorbed some of the energy from the floors above causing the structure to fall at much less than free-fall speed. All of the contents in the building would have been crushed. The concrete floors sandwiched between the corrugated steel pans, it was poured into, and the carpet and pad, would have broken into large chunks. Yet, it was all pulverized into fine dust!
You literally have to be an uneducated stupid moronic idiot to buy the government’s ridiculous theory.
So let’s just say, for a minute, that the pancake theory it is possible.
What caused the large fireball flashes that came out of the impact hole just seconds before the collapses?
How was a large pyroclastic cloud already present at the top, right at the beginning of the collapse?
That fine dust indicates explosives again.
We see these same clouds when a volcano explodes.
What caused the steel beams to be blown out hundreds of feet away from the buildings?
What caused the puffs of smoke and flashes that blew out of the windows 30 stories below the demolition wave?
In the MSM’s video we can clearly see Newton’s laws of physics takes place with regards to building 1, because the top of Tower1 starts to tip to the left and in fact fell on top of building 4 so it was impossible that the top of Tower 1 caused a pancaking of the rest of the floors.
If a pancaking of the floors took place the 47 massive steel box columns that made up the core of the Towers would have been sticking up through the rubble.
To cause the upper floors to drop straight down on the floors below, all of the 100’s of steel beams around the outside as well as the 47 in the center would have to have been exposed to fire and been heated evenly, at white hot temperature, over a long period of time. Clearly this did not take place.
Each plane stuck and damaged an outside corner of the Towers. The laws of physics again say that, if anything, they should have tipped over and fallen into the streets below, but they did not because the core columns could, and did, hold ten times the weight of the entire building. The structural load was simply redistributed.
And what made Tower 7 pancake in 6.5 seconds?
Just 0.5 seconds under freefall speed!
Absolute proof of the use of thermate, which is thermite combined with sulfer for the purpose of cutting steel, has been discovered. Listen to the interview with Proffesor Steven Jones:
How did a 737 engine fly off of a 767 plane and land in the streets of New York?
The jet engine was Photographed by the MSM and examined by experts who all concluded it was from a 737!
The government said that passenger planes that were 767s struck the towers.
New footage, not from the MSM, surfaced in a new documentary. It was filmed by a tourist who was on the street below Tower 1 when the first plane struck. He, as well as the documentary maker, was unaware that his footage was any different or even unique from the MSM’s.
The plane in his video shows 2 flaps on the wings, where as 767s have 3 flap extensions. More disturbing is the very obvious pod on the belly of the plane and the bright white flash that occurs just before the nose of the plane penetrates Tower 1. This footage shows these anomalies in clearer detail than the footage from the MSM that shows the same two anomalies on the plane that struck Tower 2. Yet another smoking gun!
No person of any intelligence is buying the governments story.
FACT: It wasn’t until 2004 that Qualcomm announced that they alone finally had developed cell phone technology that would alow calls to be made from planes in flight at high elevations and high speeds. This requires that their unit, which allows passenger cellphones to reach the towers on the ground, be installed on the plane. This clearly did not exist in September of 2001!
Tests were conducted shortly after 911 using several makes of cell phones at different elevations and speeds. All attempts failed to reach any person on the ground. The two calls reported on by the MSM claimed those callers from flights 77 and 93 used the satellite phones in the back of the seats. These phones require swiping a credit card though the phone before any call can be made. At this point the caller’s credit card is billed $10.00 a minute and there is a record of the call with the phone company as well as the credit card company, yet no record of these two calls exist.. One call, from a satellite phone, it was claimed by the MSM, was made from the restroom on the plane. NO AIRLINERS HAVE THESE PHONES IN THEIR RESTROOMS!
The MSM is clearly inventing stories and telling blatant lies!
Good job of fact checking guys.
FACT: Main Steam Media has continually lied and omitted the truth and facts about all of the information surrounding 911 as well as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
FOX is clearly the leader in propaganda, misleading information and total out-right lies!
"In the size of the lie there is always contained a certain factor of credibility, since the great mass of people will more easilly fall victims to a great lie than to a small one." Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
It looks like Mr. Hitler learned well from his Zionist masters, and it is obvious he remains the favorite philosopher of the ownership and managment of News-Corps Fox.
The MSM is owned by a hand full of conglomerate corporations which are all controlled by extremely wealthy Zionists in the world banking system and their minions. It doesn’t take much to trace this. There are many books out exposing this group that name names. Some of these can be found at: See the books on the left side of the web page by scanning down.
This group owns the entire MSM world wide and is worth an accumulated 300 trillion dollars. If money is power, that’s a lot of power!
The Zionist lobbies that control the United States Government and hold high positions in the Congress, Senate, the Pentagon, Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, FEMA and The NSA are up to their necks in this treasonous conspiracy as are all others who continue to lie and cover-up the events of 911.
ALL ROADS LEAD TO ISREAL and the Zionists who own the Federal Reserve and the World banking system! During the tenure of Zionist Dov Zackheim, who resigned his position at the pentagon shortly after 911, 2.4 trillion dollars of taxpayer money went missing and is still unaccounted for. The total missing from the U.S. treasury since 2000, when Bush stole office the first time, to date is over 4 trillion. From the 1980's; The Reagan / Bush years to date 28 trillion total is still unaccounted for!
A must see site:
FACT: Lawyers Phil Berge and (Bob Dole’s former chief of staff) Stanley Hilton have filed RICO law suits, on behalf of the victims of 911 families, against the Bush Administration. Hilton alone represents over 400 victims family members.
RICO law suit are used in cases brought against organized crime and that’s exactly what the players behind 911 are involved in.
It is constantly said, by the MSM, we should let the poor victims families have some peace and end this discussion for their sakes.
Apparently more than 400 don’t feel that way.
Let’s hope these lawyers wise-up and include the MSM ownership and reporters along with the Bush administration in these suits as well.
FACT: The Bush administration tried to stop all investigation into the September 11, 2001 attacks and is still suppressing pertinent documents such as the independent audit of the CIA and Cheney’s Secret energy task force meetings. That was supposed to be public information in 2004 but once he found out that it pointed the finger at him and other top level officials, he had it classified. When the pressure from the victim’s families, to hold hearing about 911, became to public, and there was no avoiding it, Bush and Cheney hand picked their own jury but refused to testify under oath themselves. All of the people in the 911 commission have a conflict of interest, considering that they all have ties to big businesses that have made billions from the wars. They are guilty of falsifying and leaving out pertinent evidence in their final report.
We need to add all of the 911 commissioners to the list of people to be prosecuted for the crimes of September 11, 2001.
The Bush administration ordered the crime scenes swept clean and destroyed the evidence without allowing any investigation of the most heinous crimes ever committed on American soil. This action broke the laws of our Nation numerous times throughout these events.
They had gag orders placed on all emergency, military and federal personnel, threatening them with lose of their jobs and imprisonment if they talked about what they knew to be contrary to the “official story”. Three of the four black boxes were recovered at the World Trade Center and confiscated by the FBI and the workers who found the boxes where told to keep quiet. This is also being concealed by the MSM.
Make no mistake, the corruption goes into the Supreme Court as well, where a majority of them committed criminal conspiracy when they stopped the recount in Florida in 2000 and appointed Bush president. Now, with the latest two appointments, they have stopped the damming testimony by Sibel Edmonds, against our government for 911, from being heard.
THIS IS NOT DISPUTABLE! Where are the MSM’s reports on these issues?
Roberts and Alito were not selected to end abortion, (and they probably will not, since their Globalist bosses plan to eliminate 80% of the worlds population), they are there to reject all the law suits against the Bush crime family once the appeals reach their bench.
FACT: Both the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen and now wide spread fraud again in 2006 midterms! Our government, under the pretense that we were attacked by Arab terrorists, has striped our rights completely turning us into a Fascist Dictatorship, complete with over 800 new concentration camps, with Haliburton building the largest of these under another no-bid contract. These prisons are to house the American citizens who display descent or refuse vaccines that may or may not kill you . They have compiled a list of future American prisoners through their illegal spying program which continues to this day. America was lost and transformed over night through the Patriot Acts 1 and 2 and the Homeland Security Bill.
They continue to break any law they choose by using 911 as their excuse.
The MSM has been a complicit partner in the crimes by selling all of the lies continuously. All of the MSM has the proof in their video and photo vaults and they know it.
More staged terrorist attacks or government inflicted Bird Flu virus added to the water supply through the newly installed water plant T-valves and Bush declares martial law.
At this point the Constitution and Bill of Rights are gone and America becomes Just like Hitler’s’ Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia and Communist China.
If you think not just remain silent and do nothing.
Don’t forget who made the following statement.
You may find this E-mail from one of our Republican Senators Conrad Burns of Montana, who took a lot of money from Jack Abramoff, interesting to say the least. This is in response to a petition I signed against a bill that bolsters the same related items in the Home Land Security Bill and Patriot Act 2.
After you read this you won’t be too sure I’m wrong about anything I have said so far.
Dear Friend : Thank you for contacting me regarding S. 1873, the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005 . I appreciate hearing from you. As you may know, the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005 would establishes the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), as the single point of authority within the government for the advanced research and development of drugs and vaccines in response to bioterrorism and natural disease outbreaks such as the flu. BARDA will operate in secret, exempt from the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, insuring that no evidence of injuries or deaths caused by drugs and vaccines labeled as "countermeasures" will become public. On October 24, 2005, S. 1873 was placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders, Calendar Number 257. I appreciate your thoughts on this issue and will keep your thoughts in mind should this issue arise on the Senate floor. Thanks again for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact my office with any other questions or concerns that you may have. Sincerely, |
In case you didn’t understand what he said, I will reinterpret for you.
He spoke of forming a secret government agency called BARDA that will produce vaccines that may or may not injure or kill you. But in the event that you or a family member may be injured or die, no one will be able to find out how you / they died or that the government was responsible for your injury or death, due to the fact that new secret shadow branch that produced the vaccines is exempt from review by the Federal Advisory Committee and the Freedom of Information Act.
This bill insures that no one will be compensated through a civil law suit against the government. GOT IT!
This is already in The Home Land Security Bill and Patriot Act II.
It doesn’t instill confidence in the vaccines.
12 Parents in Japan, who in a panic had their children vaccinated for the Bird Flu with our vaccines, attended their funerals shortly after. This has also happen to children and adults in other countries around the world. The FDA said they were going to look into those vaccines that caused the deaths, since they came from us, but we haven’t heard back from them.
What better way is there to kill massive amounts of people.
1. Scare the people for a couple of years that it's coming..
2. Dig up a corpse from the 1918 flu, that killed 200 million in America alone, revive it and mutate it.
3. Use the MSM and Hollywood to convince you it's still coming and is getting worse.
It,, now, no longer requires the bird, which we could avoid contact with.
4. Launch the operation on the world and blame Mother Nature.
FACT: The MSM reported that the anthrax letters, following the 911 attacks, which were sent only to Democrats and perceived liberals in the media, were sent by a disgruntled old man who was angry at the government. The MSM then ended that story saying he committed suicide. Usually they just resign to spend more time with their families.
The story and the investigations were false.
The anthrax contained within those letters is a specific type of weaponized anthrax made by a United States military laboratory.
The FBI then discover that the main suspect for these anthrax letters is a Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who had been reprimanded several times by his employers due to offensive remarks he made about Arabs. Dr. Philip Zack, was caught on camera entering the storage area where he worked at Fort Detrick which is where the Anthrax was kept. At this point, both the FBI and the mainstream media stopped making any public comments on the case.
The scientists, analyzing the anthrax, found it to be unique, in that it contained 1 trillion spores per gram. This anthrax was specifically engineered for the CIA. No other microbiologists in the world have come close to 1 trillion spores per gram.
All who initially expressed doubt of the official government story of 911, and called for a real investigation, received these anthrax letters.
A move right out of Mr. Hitlers play book!
No Republicans received an anthrax letter.
To date; 89 Microbiologists, here and abroad, have met with their recent demise.
FACT: Two days after the 911 attacks, the FBI released the list of the 19 highjackers.
They didn’t count on anyone looking into the names they released but the BBC did.
The BBC found that as many as 9 of the 19, and for certain seven, which included Mohamed Atta, are still alive and were never involved in 911. Five on the list turned out to be US military trained personal. Some look to be Mexican.
The FBI acknowledged this mistake but still to this day has not corrected it publicly.
Mohamed Atta’s father claimed he received a call from his son on September 12, 2001.
Confirmed Alive: Khalid Al-Mihdhar, Salem Al-Hazmi, Waleed M. Al-Sheri, Wail M. Al-Sheri, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, Marwan Al-Shehhi, Said Al-Ghamdi, Ahmed Al-Nami.
Usama Bin Laden Not wanted by the F.B.I. For the September 11, 2001 Attacks!
A minimum of 8 people, reported by the MSM as having been on the four flights involved in 911, do not exist. These 8 names were simply made up! It is the duty of the MSM to trace every name, on the passenger lists, to the proper relatives for confirmation of them having been on those flights prior to reporting it. Since no one from the MSM every traced all of the names, they reported were on the 4 flights, their may be many more. The only reason this would not have been done is if a majority of the names were made up! Very shoddy reporting!
The BBC managed to trace the accused terrorist for identification.
The government claimed they knew these particular terrorists were on those flights because they found body parts which matched their DNA.
OK! So, where did the government get their original DNA to conclude this match?
Is there a terrorist DNA sample bank some where?
Have the worlds governments been secretly been collecting and storing DNA samples of 6.5 billion people?
Maybe they got their parents of spouses to turn over the terror suspect's hair brushes, but that would only be mitochondrial DNA which is not as reliable.
FACT: There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.
Before the United States Of America, illegally, invaded
FACT: The following people formed a think tank from 1997- 1998 called the Project for a New American Century PNAC. The PNAC planned the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq as well as 60 other sovereign nations. They called for a catastrophic and catalyzing event like “a new Pearl Harbor” to sell these wars to the American public.
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."
Original 25 signatories were:
Source (
- Elliott Abrams, a former Reagan-era Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. During the Iran/Contra scandal, Abrams pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of lying to Congress but was later pardoned by the first Bush administration. He subsequently became president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He is currently a member of Bush's National Security Council.
- Gary Bauer, a Republican presidential candidate in 2000, who currently is president of an organization named American Values (
- William J. Bennett, who served during the Reagan and first Bush administrations as U.S. Secretary of Education and Drug Czar. Upon leaving government office, Bennett became a "distinguished fellow" at the conservative Heritage Foundation, co-founded Empower America, and established himself as a self-proclaimed expert on morality with his authorship of The Book of Virtues (
- Jeb Bush, the son of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and brother of current President George W. Bush. At the time of PNAC's founding, Jeb Bush was a candidate for the Florida governor's seat, a position which he currently holds.
- Dick Cheney, the former White House Chief of Staff to Gerald R. Ford, six-term Congressman, and Secretary of Defense to the first President Bush, was serving as president of the oil-services giant Halliburton Company at the time of PNAC's founding. He subsequently became U.S. vice president under George W. Bush.
- Eliot A. Cohen, a professor of strategic studies at John Hopkins University
- Paula Dobriansky, vice president and director of the Washington office of the Council on Foreign Relations. Currently Dobriansky serves in the Bush administration as Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs.
- Steve Forbes, publisher, billionaire, and Republican presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000. Forbes has also campaigned actively on behalf of the "flat tax," which would reduce the federal tax burden for wealthy individuals like himself.
- Aaron Friedberg, professor of politics and international affairs; Director, Center of International Studies; Director, Research Program in International Security, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.
- Francis Fukuyama, author of The End of History and the Last Man (; Dean of the Faculty and Bernard L. Schwartz Professor of International Political Economy at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University. Appointed to the President's Council on Bioethics by George W. Bush, January 2002.
- Frank Gaffney - conservative columnist; founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. Web-site:
- Fred C. Ikle, "distinguished scholar" at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Donald Kagan, professor of history and classics at Yale University and the author of books including While America Sleeps: Self-Delusion, Military Weakness, and the Threat to Peace Today; A Twilight Struggle: American Power and Nicaragua, 1977-1990; and The Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace. Kagan is also a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a contributing editor at the Weekly Standard and a Washington Post columnist, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Alexander Hamilton fellow in American diplomatic history at American University. Past experience includes: Deputy for Policy in the State Department's Bureau of Inter-American Affairs (1985-1988); State Department's Policy Planning Staff member (1984-1985); speechwriter to Secretary of State George P. Shultz (1984-1985); foreign policy advisor to Congressman Jack Kemp (1983); Special Assistant to the Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency (1983); Assistant Editor at the Public Interest (1981).
- Zalmay Khalilzad, an Afghan-American who was the only Muslim among the group's original signatories and the only signatory who was not a native-born U.S. citizen. Khalilzad has became the Bush administration's special envoy to Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban as well as is special envoy to the Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein. Khalilzad has written about information warfare, and in 1996 (in pre-Taliban days), he served as a consultant to the oil company Unocal Corporation (UNOCAL) regarding a "risk analysis" for its proposed pipeline project through Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- William Kristol, PNAC's chairman, is also editor of the Weekly Standard, a Washington-based political magazine. His past involvements have included: lead of the Project for the Republican Future, chief of staff to Vice President J. Danforth Quayle, chief of staff to Secretary of Education William J. Bennett under the Reagan administration, taught politics at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.
- I. Lewis Scooter Libby, who later became chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney.
- Norman Podhoretz, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and author of works such as Patriotism and its Enemies.
- J. Danforth Quayle, former vice president under President George Herbert Walker Bush and a presidential candidate himself in 1996.
- Peter W. Rodman, who served in the State Department and the National Security Council under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, became the current Bush administration's Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security affairs in 2001.
- Stephen P. Rosen, Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Affairs at Harvard University.
- Henry S. Rowen was president of the RAND Corporation from 1967-1972. He served under former presidents Reagan and Bush as chairman of the National Intelligence Council (1981-83) and Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1989-91). He currently holds the title of "senior fellow" at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
- Donald H. Rumsfeld served former President Gerald R. Ford as chief of transition after Richard M. Nixon's resignation, later becoming Ford's chief of staff and secretary of defense from 1974-75. He subsequently served from 1990-93 as CEO of General Instrument Corporation and later as Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences, a pharmaceutical company. In 1998 he served as chairman of the bi-partisan US Ballistic Missile Threat Commission. Under President George W. Bush, he once again assumed the post of Secretary of Defense.
- Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman from Minnesota, is now a well-connected lobbyist who has represented such firms as AT&T, Lockheed Martin and Microsoft. Weber is also vice chairman of Empower America and a former fellow of the Progress and Freedom Foundation.
- George Weigel, a Roman Catholic religious and political commentator, is a "senior fellow" at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
- Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, formerly Dean and Professor of International Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, became Undersecretary of Defense for President George W. Bush in 2001.
Other PNAC members (Updated November 23rd, 2005)
- John R. Bolton, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security in the Bush administration.
- Ellen Bork, Deputy Director (
- Thomas Donnelly, Senior Fellow.
- Reuel Marc Gerecht, Senior Fellow (, Director of the Middle East Initiative.
- Mark Gerson, Project Director (
- Michael Goldfarb, Research Associate (
- Bruce P. Jackson, President of the Project on Transitional Democracies. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He is on the Board of Advisors of the Center for Security Policy. He is the President of the U.S. Committee on NATO. Past experience includes: US Army intelligence (1979-1990), Office of the Secretary of Defense (1986-1990), chief strategist of proprietary trade operations at Lehman Brothers (1990-1993), high level management positions at Martin Marietta and Lockheed Corporation (1993-1999?).
- Robert Kagan, PNAC Co-founder and Project Director (
- Timothy Lehmann, Assistant Director (
- Daniel McKivergan, Deputy Director (
- Christopher Maletz, Assistant Director.
- Richard N. Perle, an AEI associate, former Reagan administration official, and member (and former chairman) of the Defense Policy Board.
- Gary Schmitt, Executive Director.
- Randy Scheunemann, Project Director (, President of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, served as an advisor to Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2001
The majorities of the people on this list belongs to Zionist organizations and lobbies and have strong ties to Israel.
It’s as if a murderer wrote out his plans to murder a named person in a diary and left it for the police to find.
Although there are, no doubt, some bright people in this list, it is obvious from the flaws that I’ve pointed out with their crimes, that the planners of 911 were not among the best and brightest isn’t it?
FACT: From the polls taken, (reflecting more than 80% who believe our government is responsible for 911) 911 web site hit counters, videos and books sold we know that more two thirds of Americans alone believe our government carried out the September11, 2001 attacks or, at the very least, knew they were going to take place and let them happen. That’s more than 200 million of us in the U.S. alone so far. Add to that the same percentage world wide and it is clear MSM have lost the info war.
I am just one of the hundreds of millions who have this information.
As citizen jurors, we have heard both sides of the argument and examined the evidence.
It is up to a completely neutral court and jury to make the convictions.
The, so called, Alternative Media has now become the new Main Stream Media.
The Old Main Stream Media is now relegated to what it does best; Tabloid and Entertainment!
IT”S TIME TO ADMIT DEFEAT! Your ship has sunk.
In a wide spread conspiracy, that involves a lot of people, it is safe to assume the person or persons spreading the deceptive information, in an attempt to steer the Detectives (the conspiracy theorists) in the wrong direction, are, at the very least, co-conspirators in the crime if not the master minds.
In this case it is obvious that is the old MSM.
Following the trail to the ownership exposes the mastermind or masterminds.
A group that needs to be looked into and meets in secret annually is the Bilderberg Group. So MSM, why not start there with your investigation and investigate your own?
The suction cups, (Big Business), are connected to the tentacles. The tentacles, (the intermarried minions who rule over Big Business), are connected to the body and head, (the Mastermind who owns it all, The tyrant King).
The master plan: Same as the old plan; The New World Order.
If you think any one who speaks about the New World Order is a "Conspiracy Nut", consider the statements of these prominent Conspiracy Nuts.
The fact that they won’t print this list of facts and my statements, is proof I’m right.
Crimes like these are committed because the criminals have a lot to gain.
So who has gained?
The Bushes have. Many in top positions in the government, though their connections to big companies making billions from the wars have, Jewish owned Wall Street has but, most of all, Israel has gained.
Let's just read this statement again.
"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." -- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
America is not threatened by Iraq, Iran, Syria, North Korea or Libya but Israel is.
So why, are Americas’ children dying for Israel while making enemies of Arab Nations and why is the MSM selling us on it?
If Bush was really trying to keep us safe he wouldn’t have involved us in Israel’s problems.
But then again is it Israel, (Rothschilds baby), and the Zionist lobbies that control our government and foreign policy and own this country through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank and the MSM.
It appears that in America, for the Jewish people who are Zionists, you are a Jew first and an American second.
I have German heritage but Germanys’ problems don’t concern me.
These wars do not benefit the vast majority of Americans and are destroying America.
If you’re are a true American, America comes first not Israel!
So, should we hate the Zionist / Jews, (who are the real terrorists) for their crimes against humanity?
The only answer is; YES, ABSOLUTELY!
I do not accept the Patriot Acts 1 & 2 and the Homeland Security Bill because the government has not been brought to answer these glaring accusations before a Criminal Grand Jury investigation and the burdon of evidence says they were never duly elected by the majority, in either election.
Since all of these new laws, overriding our Constitution, are based on the September 11, 2001 attacks and it is likely the government and the Israeli Mossad carried out these crimes for the criminal Globalists, the Constitution and Bill of Rights still stands as far as I’m concerned.
I challenge Bush and all in charge to be men and take the stand before a jury of their peers and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the story they continue to sell is true.
Until then I still have a Bill of Rights and a Constitution I will live by, that makes me a real America Patriot!
Osama Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein the Taliban and Al CIAda did not legislate away our freedoms. The people in Washington, who have forgotten who they work for, did.
It’s way past the time to face the music, to draw your line in the sand and stand up and let your voices be heard.
I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore and neither should you or any of the remaining scared but good people inside the old MSM.
“I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart!”
If you made it this far then you will want to go further with your own investigation.
Don't just take it from me, here it from the scholars for truth: